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Übersetzungen für simpleton im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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simpleton [ˈsımpltən] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A village simpleton is employed as her bodyguard.
Simpletons are also known as noodles, fools, and gothamites.
The characters behave like simpletons, breaking up and getting back together again at the convenience of the plot.
He is frequently seen berating his son and his campaign managers, who are depicted as simpletons.
Labeled as the madcap tale of a simpleton who fights for the people.
The youngest third son, a simpleton, wounds and chases the beast.
He is still considered a relative simpleton, but has very much come to terms with that.
Simpleton makes his way to the castle, and each person who attempts to interfere is joined to the unwilling parade ranging from the parson, his sexton, and two laborers.
He is a simpleton with a variety of gross provincial expressions and remarks, who likes to make fun of people and play practical jokes.
He is portrayed as a simpleton, but rather showed some signs of intelligence when he got 100% on all of his provincial exams without cheating.

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