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Übersetzungen für sixth sense im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It specifically excludes any aspiration for happiness through the sixth sense of mind alone.
Like her grandmother and her sister she has a sixth sense or precognition power as well as being an expert broomstick flyer.
He's very interested in the supernatural, even though he has no sixth sense himself.
After further mutation, she develops a sixth sense which allows her to anticipate incoming danger to herself.
Her strong points are her physical strength and cat-like agility, and her uncanny sixth sense.
Their lateral line system is highly developed; the pores run the length of the fish's body, lending it a sort of sixth sense by detecting nearby vibrations.
He has a similar attitude toward visitors almost a sixth sense.
He has a strong sixth sense but lacks karate skills of an expert level.
She has a strong sixth sense and is into tarot card-reading.
He possesses a sixth sense that can detect mystical influence on people or creatures, useful for tracking and finding demons.

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