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Übersetzungen für skywalk im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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skywalk [ˈskaıwɔːk] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The building has a 952 car parking garage across the street with a connecting skywalk to the tower lobby.
The center is served by a parking garage connected by a skywalk.
The facility was connected to the main building via a skywalk accessible from the second floor hallway.
A variation on the bridge concept, often called a skyway or skywalk, is sometimes implemented in regions that experience inclement weather.
The jail twin towers are connected to each other by a windowless skywalk.
The skywalk links a five floor parking ramp with the east end of the convention center.
At the end they are seen performing on the skywalk, overlooking where the accident would have happened.
The city approved an additional $1 million to build an adjacent multi-level parking facility connected to the center by a skywalk.
The support building is a central part of the hospital complex and is linked to the new building section by a skywalk.
A glass skywalk links both pedestrian circulation and beer piping between the old and new brewhouses.

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