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Übersetzungen für smokers im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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smoker [ˈsməʊkə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Their targets, in particular, were smokers who lived in nonsmoking environments.
Although pre-contemplative smokers (individuals believing they do not exhibit any problem behaviour) revealed high levels of omnipotence, ex-smokers did as well.
One opinion poll found that 70% of smokers supported the ban.
In non-smokers, secondhand smoke is the cause of about 20% of cases.
This is exactly what most smokers who vape are doing.
However, there is a considerable population of inveterate smokers who are unable or unwilling to achieve abstinence.
Smokers knew this fact but it takes more than nicotine patch or will power to make them kick the habit permanently.
Instead of marketing the fat cigars to a specialized subset of experienced smokers, the brand was launched as an item for a mass market.
During his ten years of labor he had given medical aid to 51,838 patients and about 1,500 opium smokers.
As the practice of spotting releases hot smoke, many fledgling smokers prefer to use a spottle that cools the air before they inhale it.

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