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Übersetzungen für sneeze im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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sneeze [sniːz] SUBST VERB intr


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This highly contagious virus is spread by coughing and sneezing via close personal contact or direct contact with secretions.
Mice are annoying but at least they do nt leave me sneezing and short of breath.
Nasal symptoms (sneezing, rhinorrhea, nasal itching and congestion) were assessed both before treatment and during treatment period on a daily basis.
Occasionally she could avoid the phantosmia symptoms by forcing herself to sneeze.
Although a single sneeze releases up to 40,000 droplets, most of these droplets are quite large and will quickly settle out of the air.
The mussel bounces around sneezing and wakes up a pelican that decides to eat the mussel.
A sneeze demolishes her grandmother's garage and, the next day, she awoke inside a tornado five hundred feet off the ground.
Fracture of medial wall can produce subcutaneous emphysema, especially when blowing the nose or while sneezing.
Though smaller dogs seem slightly more susceptible to reverse sneezing, any dog can develop it, regardless of size.
Now sitting in a pool of water, the canary sneezes, splashing its rescuer, who then injoins the bird to blow its nose.

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