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Übersetzungen für sob im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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sob <sobbed; sobbing> [sɒb] SUBST VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They go to the beach where when wet sand is stepped on, it makes the sound of a sob.
Every time they meet, she cries on his shoulder and tells him the same sob story.
According to one critic, her deep, strident, almost masculine voice, staggered delivery and the occasional sob created a compelling musical presence.
With his spellbinding dramatic skill, he could make the listeners and viewers sob or burst into laughter, and he raised watchers' emotions to the fullest.
Sobbing, she tucks in the frightened girl and leaves the room.
Despite using her cancer as a sob story, she is rejected at her audition.
It is only in the last paragraph that the reader is treated to what might be called a bit of sob-sisterly trivia.
Sobbing profusely, she sat alone for over an hour awaiting their decision.
As the castaways sob in frustration, they hear a steam whistle from a ship.
The bride's verkavimai (from "verkti" to weep or sob) were an important part of the wedding ritual.

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