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Übersetzungen für start-up im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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start-up SUBST

start-up capital, start-up costs SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He now makes his living investing in start-up companies.
It houses approximately five start-up businesses, with tenants admitted on a rolling basis throughout the year.
Any particular start-up ecosystem is defined by its collection of specific cities or online communities.
The foundation shall provide financial support indirectly by taking care of the above mentioned five issues usually faced in a start-up.
Such scripts are often used to store complex configuration instructions such as start-up and hardware configuration sequences.
It was required to operate independent of government subsidies, apart from $10 million in start-up capital.
Built with flexibility in mind, the buildings are designed to accommodate any tenant's space needs whether small start-up companies, expanding businesses or regional operations.
Here, advertising is not sold, but provided to start-up companies in return for equity.
An oscillator start-up timer ensures that the device only operates when the oscillator generates a stable clock frequency.
For example, a start-up with strong links to the investing company might make use of that company's manufacturing plants, distribution channels, technology, or brand.

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