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Übersetzungen für statuette im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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statuette [ˌstætjʊˈet] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Together they devised, pitched for and won many commissions for installations, theatre pieces and award statuettes.
The upper part takes the form of a miniature chapel containing statuettes.
His nude pose reflects that of the statuette itself, possibly indicating that the statue depicts the excavator "imagining" himself in the original statuette's pose.
The statuette also appears on the inner sleeves of the original vinyl, as well as on the record's labels.
Statuettes of the deity from the temple depict a seated male with his arms crossed.
He created more than 400 works - statuettes, portrait busts, and sculptures.
These prizes are often rather elaborate, ornate gifts, such as giant cups, decorative plates, and statuettes.
Small statuettes of animals were made for votive use and also served as seals, the devices being cast underneath their bases.
Unlike fengshui, "huhin" values diagonal and non-orthogonal arrangements, closed spaces, corners, dim lighting, blocked pathways, and jade statuettes of snakes (a trademark of the art).
In the second season, has become a major player on his positions repeatedly winning the statuette for best player of the match.

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