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Übersetzungen für steak im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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steak [steık] SUBST

hamburger steak SUBST

sirloin steak [ˈsɜːlɔın ...] SUBST

Beispielsätze für steak

The steak is well done.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Fried eggs are often served with ham or gammon steak as a popular pub grub meal.
They begin with introducing themselves and describing the tenderness of their steaks.
The brothers thinly sliced the steak, then grilled it along with some chopped onions.
The onion steak has been a classic dish on the menu for over 40 years, even mentioned in literature.
Heart, tongue, stomach are considered as finest part and may as expensive as other fine steak cuts.
This steak is covered in a tough membrane that should be removed before cooking.
To minimize toughness and add flavor skirt steaks are often marinated before grilling or pan-searing very quickly, or cooked very slowly, typically braised.
He is credited with creating his namesake sauce for both steaks and the meat of local game animals.
The island was named for the pens (kraals) where large sea turtles were once held until butchered for steaks and soup.
In some regions, bacon will be added between the flank steak and the veal grind.

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