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Übersetzungen für strewn im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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strewn [struːn]

strew <过去式 strewed; 过去分词 strewn or strewed> [struː] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The extreme length of the city was little less than a mile, and the whole intramural area is still thickly strewn with architectural remains.
Rubble is strewn throughout and the area is a favourite of a small herd of mountain goats.
Examples include books being strewn around locked rooms, sightings of a ghostly woman, and alarms going off when the building is deserted.
The hill landed upside down, and till this day one can find many boulders strewn around the hill.
The crime scene showed evidence that it had been searched and the couples possessions were strewn around the apartment.
Upon crashing, the fuselage broke into two pieces and the wreckage was strewn along a 400-foot (122-m) path.
This bend is strewn with a seme (a scattering of no specific number) of blue annulets to represent bubbles.
The area before restoration used to be a filthy place, with debris strewn around.
She took the pictures of the streets of the town strewn with dead bodies of its inhabitants, including women and children.
While the majority of these stunts are gone now, the backdrops and parts to the stunts are still strewn about.

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