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Übersetzungen für suburbia im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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suburbia [səˈbɜːbıə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Suburbia encompassed a third of the nation's population by 1960.
By 1919, he was also showing an interest in the landscape of suburbia.
The album was a concept record that dealt with life in modern suburbia.
These workers are forced to live in suburbia commuting up to two hours each way to work.
Some of the themes addressed in the film are the lack of communication between teenagers and their parents and the inauthenticity of suburbia.
The strip is a charming portrait of mid-century suburbia and teen-agia, light as a meringue and crisp as autumn leaves.
For a lot of kids, coming here is a way to get away from the choking atmosphere of suburbia.
This income drop has caused a dramatic rise in people living under the poverty level and has hit suburbia particularly hard.
The first episodes feature a voice-over narrator performing comic sociological analyses of the role of a witch in middle class suburbia.
Although suburbia stopped growing, it did not suffer nearly as much as the central cities.

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