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Übersetzungen für swamped im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . swamp [swɒmp] SUBST

Beispielsätze für swamped

be swamped with work

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Also, the council's civil chambers were swamped with claims concerning the legality of the confiscations.
Well located just off the main square, where the pensioners play boules among the turtledoves, the old building is swamped by some fetching wisteria.
A heavy sea swamped her and she sank immediately.
Many of its firms are uncompetitive because they are swamped by high taxes and mountains of red tape, as well as a notoriously strike-prone labour force.
After the park's creation, loons were impacted by the lead weights used in recreational fishing, and waves from powerboats which swamped nests.
The attentional blink is an illustration that has a significant insinuation for individuals who work in environments where they are usually swamped with information.
Two small boats had been swamped and lost in the enormous swell by the slipway at the landing place.
It is the habit of even the best football crowd to quiet down once its team is being swamped.
From the looks of it, the shop was swamped with skivvy-donning young people hoping to get that ensemble.
The school was closed temporarily in 2008 after being swamped following a torrential downpour.

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