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Übersetzungen für swordfish im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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swordfish [ˈsɔːdfıʃ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are found in all oceans, although they usually inhabit tropical and subtropical waters; swordfish are found in temperate waters, as well.
Almost 50 species of parasites have been documented in swordfish.
It usually denotes tuna and tuna-like species, shark, marlins and swordfish.
Swordfish torpedo doctrine called for an approach at followed by a dive to torpedo release altitude of.
Other fish are also used, including locally-caught fish, cod, salt cod, shad other oily fish, red snapper and swordfish.
If this is a problem with dolphins it is an even greater problem with billfish such as swordfish, which swim and accelerate faster than dolphins.
Not a lot is known about their predators, though they have been found in the stomachs of albacore tuna and swordfish.
Favored fish varieties include marlin, swordfish, snapper, tuna, shrimp and octopus.
They swim alone or in very loose aggregations, separated by as much as 10 m from a neighboring swordfish.
There are over 850 speces of aquatic animals off the coast such as marlin, sailfish, swordfish, tuna, dorado and whales.

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