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Übersetzungen für tactician im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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tactician [tækˈtıʃən] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He had been recognized as a capable tactician by his superiors who continuously promoted him in the first 14 years of his military career.
He became regarded as a good tactician, and infantry commanders bowed to his tactical judgement when planning joint operations.
He later proved himself to be an expert tactician and very skilled field commander.
There are six character classes: blaster, bruiser, scrapper, infiltrator, tactician and generalist.
Lane is a disciplined tactician who will properly assess a situation before charging in.
Jolly became regarded as a good tactician, and infantry commanders bowed to his tactical judgement when planning joint operations.
He did well in battle, for he was both a good tactician and full of courage.
He had sailed all of the world's oceans, had exercised numerous commands, and had won the reputation of a first-class tactician.
The tactician provides magic-like effects, which all members involved in combat are able to use.
Considering human beings as motivated tacticians has become popular because it takes both situations into account.

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