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Übersetzungen für tallest im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

With a height of 180.5 metres (592 feet) and 40 floors, it will be the tallest building in Andalusia.
This span uses two tall pylons, which are the tallest electricity pylons in the world.
He rarely speaks but is the tallest and most forbidding of the dhampire fighting team.
There is a single, blunt hook on the tops of abdominal segments two through six, the tallest occurs on segment four.
At the time, it was possibly the tallest steel-tower ski jump in the world, standing 171 feet high.
At the time, it was to be the world's tallest skyscraper outside of a city's central business district.
Between 1549 and 1625 it was the tallest building in the world.
The tower has the tallest spire of any rural church in Estonia.
There are five minarets with different heights and the tallest one has a height of 131ft m.
A weather vane with two crowns was later added to the tower, and at 106 meters became the tallest tower in the city.

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