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Übersetzungen für tantalize im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

tantalize, tantalise [ˈtæntəlaız] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The challenge to build larger aircraft has tantalized designers and pilots since the dawn of aviation.
The popularity of horror films lies in their abilty to tantalize and shock.
Yet she is tantalized by the chance to know.
The array of topics covered by the papers in this issue is tantalizing.
Each episode is designed to be gratifying on its own, with a satisfying conclusion; however, it then provides a cliffhanger to tantalize the player a little more.
Any new occasion to see her in action is always tantalizing, to say the least.
But the film also has an unusual amount of tantalizing comic ideas so that every 10 minutes or so, it makes you explode with laughter.
Winning a bigger share of the behemoth's delivery business is tantalizing.
However, some models offer tantalizing pieces of information that are, however, difficult to interpret.
This focus on opportunity is tantalizing, but every so often you have to look under the covers at what makes these stirring accomplishments possible.

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