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Übersetzungen für taskmaster im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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taskmaster [ˈtɑːskˌmɑːstə] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Though he appears to be a harsh taskmaster, this masks a genuine affection for his students.
They dwelt continually on the cruelties of a few hard taskmasters and ignored the good people who had the welfare of their dependants at heart.
His role is that of a strict taskmaster who brings spending under control, in particular by cutting out frivolous expenses.
Are they not lashed mercilessly by brutal taskmasters behind the walls of concentration camps?
As a manager, he was known as a stern taskmaster.
Although he was known as a great orator and a stern taskmaster, he was a quiet and retiring man away from the game.
He was said to have been a stern taskmaster but effective mentor to several generations of graduate students aspiring to be professional historians.
Taskmaster survived and took her injury personally, later arranging for her medical care and for her to find work once she had recovered.
Described as a stern taskmaster, he kept high discipline upon the ships under his command.
She is a harsh and insulting taskmaster, which upsets the glee club.

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