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Übersetzungen für temples im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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temple2 [ˈtempl] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It features a rock garden, and five centrally-located temples.
Often, they are left behind by their kith and kin outside temples or on railway platforms.
During this period hundreds of temples and monasteries were desecrated.
Within the temples there is both real and mythical history recorded.
With a population approaching 1.3 million it's a sprawling, diesel-laced city buzzing with tuk-tuks (three-wheeler taxis), street stalls, vibrant markets and dragon-topped temples.
The ceremonial center has a tightly packed cluster of temples, colonnaded halls, oratories, shrines, sanctuaries, altars, and platforms (for oration, dancing, or stela display).
Some temples have large salas where laity can hear sermons or receive religious instructions.
It is considered to be one of the 108 border taming temples he built.
At its best times, the monastery housed 1,500 lamas and consisted of 6 aimags (big temples), 16 datsans (medium-sized temples), and 29 dugans (small temples).
There are three main areas you should apply highlighter: the cheekbones and temples, the eyes, and the Cupid's bow.

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