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Übersetzungen für tenpin im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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tenpin [ˈtenpın], tenpins [ˈten­pınz], bowling SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It also oversees coaching for tenpin bowling at all levels, and is the official awarding body for formal coaching qualifications.
Tenpin bowlers will often develop calluses on their thumbs and occasionally their middle fingers from frequent bowling.
He sees tenpin bowling as an equal opportunity sport, saying that anybody can participate regardless of age, build or background.
Arrange bottles in the tenpin format and bowl soft fruit at them.
She had promised her neighbouring tenants that she would never feed the ducks that lived in the nearby reserve and behind the tenpin bowling alley.
He said he had already sponsored few players in tenpin bowling.
A strike is achieved with just the first delivery downing all ten pins, with a spare needing two throws, again just as in the tenpin sport.
Unlike the pinspotters used for tenpins and duckpins, since candlepins have identical ends to them, the machine does not have to orient the candlepins in one particular direction.
The bowling lanes are for both tenpin and duckpin play.
They generally have a tenpin or bottle-like shape.

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