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Übersetzungen für terrorists im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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terrorist [ˈterərıst] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She was recruited by a government think tank where she designed response protocols for natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
In response to this terrorist attack, the government intensified its repressive and subversive activities.
It also created a terrorist registry for those convicted under the law.
In each instance, the applicants had said that, without such measures, they would be exposed to an increased risk of terrorist attack.
This state of depression slowly spirals downward, reaching a low point when he is blinded by an explosion, during the foiling of the terrorist plot.
Most of these measures deal with terrorist attacks that affect an area, or threaten to do so.
His team have also worked with various agencies around the world to develop simulations of mass evacuations following terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
Psychology also contributes to the understanding of how visual propaganda put forward by terrorist groups contributes to their organization.
A sense of belonging is one of the primary motivating factors for people joining terrorist groups.
Such crime groups are often labeled terrorist organizations.

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