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Übersetzungen für third wave im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

By the late 1990s, mainstream interest in third wave ska bands waned as other music genres gained momentum.
The series were released in two waves with a third wave planned but never released.
Several bombers in the second and third wave mistakenly attacked the burning school, thinking it was their target.
A third wave of projects were funded in 2011.
The fusion of the two music genres, however, became most prevalent in the 1980s, during the third wave of ska.
If it occurs two waves in the solution, they will meet and create as a third wave which is registered as a 1.
A third wave of stations came along later in the century and continued into the early decades of the next.
I am the third-wave, which coined the term third wave.
Like other third wave feminists, riot grrrls attempted to foster an acceptance of the diversity of feminist expression.
While not being anti-feminist, post-feminists believe that women have achieved second wave goals while being critical of third wave feminist goals.

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