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Übersetzungen für tout im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . tout [taʊt] VERB intr

II . tout [taʊt] SUBST

Beispielsätze für tout

a ticket tout

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The game was highly touted by the media, with both teams earning praise for their performances.
For these reasons they are touted as water purifiers of untapped value.
While the new pitching system has been touted as very realistic, it has also been criticized as being too difficult.
Tuck touts its distinct experience, ability to provide deep personal development and opportunities to build bonds with classmates and faculty.
This display was touted primarily to retailers in order to encourage sales of the replicas, but the display has also become popular with collectors.
Scrappage programs were touted with different names, mostly referring to an environmental benefit.
Its single-span arched roof structure is touted as the world's oldest surviving.
Tout pour la ligne on the other hand, was written by a pioneer himself.
Gates touted the computer as having learning capabilities.
The discovery was touted as possibly leading to biological routes for organofluorine synthesis.

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