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Übersetzungen für tramlines im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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tramlines [ˈtræmlaınz] SUBST Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Installation of tramlines sometimes led to improvements of the roads on which they were built.
Lee's vision is that eventually the tramlines will be extended to become a valuable transport network.
Some of these pits were linked to the canal by road, and some by short tramlines.
There are four lines, with total length of tramlines 39 km.
All daily tramlines run during the day on weekdays at ten-minute intervals.
There is also a train-tram, which is a train modified to also run on tramlines.
In the late 19th century ili was one of the first areas supplied with tramlines, electricity and a gas supply.
You'll brace for manhole covers and tramlines, but big thumps never really come through into the cabin.
The implications of this are significant because tramlines are used for all chemical applications.
The bulk of the citys historic area has been turned into a pedestrian zone with golf buggies, rickshaws and horse buggies; however, the tramlines run within a three-block radius.

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