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Übersetzungen für tranquillizer im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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tranquillizer, tranquilizer Am [ˈtræŋkwılaızə] SUBST MED

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Moreover, his antics with women act as a distraction from his other weaknesses, like a kind of tranquillizer for those who might otherwise get angry with him.
Very often it just needs a reassurance or some simple medicines like tranquillizers or beta adrenergic blocking drugs.
Derivatives of ketamine are powerful animal tranquillizer and are openly sold in shops or online with a warning that it should not be consumed by humans.
He said consumers of the meat should be aware it could well have traces of the tranquillizer still in it.
The drugs are heavy-hitting tranquillizers that should never be used for insomnia unless the patient has an underlying major psychiatric disorder, sleep specialists say.
A tranquillizer dart armed with carfetanyl then strikes him, but does not affect his thought processes severely.
It has ordered for trap cages, tranquillizers, surgical equipment, and medicines.
Second, any tranquillizer will take time to enter the bloodstream and sedate the individual.
He adds the emergence of fentanyl's stronger cousin, the elephant tranquillizer carfentanil, may be to blame.
It was used for counteracting the effects of benzodiazepine tranquillizer drugs before the development of newer antidotes such as flumazenil.

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