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Übersetzungen für transitions im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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transitions [trænˈsıʒənz] SUBST

transitions lenses SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Transitions can be caused by oxidative deamination and tautomerization.
As the highway continues northward, the landscape transitions into hilly, wooded terrain.
There are three possible transitions, but only two are observed, so the unobserved transition must be determined.
Critics have likened the album to one long song due to the tracks' unnoticed transitions.
Polymer glass transitions have many determinants including relaxation time, viscosity and cage size.
Their spectral features are generated by transitions of component electrons between different energy levels, or by rotational or vibrational spectra.
Her research focus was executive leadership and senior leader transitions into new organizations.
The computer display's color temperature transitions evenly from night to daytime temperature to allow the user's eyes to slowly adapt.
She discovered the quality and depth of her feelings in the wordless transitions between what she could say and what she could not say.
As well as incorporating better transitions between the plazas regions, which includes eateries with outdoor seating and venues for outdoor entertainment.

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