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Übersetzungen für transnational im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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transnational cor­po­ration [trænzˈnæʃənəl ...] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is essential that these agencies become more familiar with the devices that are involved in transnational crimes as illicit communications.
This article will focus on the transnational efforts to prevent human trafficking.
Within any Nikkei community, it was the first transnational educational institution.
His research interests are about global politics, global governance, transnational civil society, democracy, and political risk.
The protocol aims to combat and prevent transnational smuggling as well as to promote cooperative measures for enhancing protective measures for victims.
Many clinics that broker transnational surrogacy prefer women who have already given birth, as the clinics have evidence of a viable uterus.
Political actors circumvented national levels of control in order to establish a transnational cooperation among nation-states.
It was established due to rapid growth in transnational crime like drug trafficking, money laundering and fraud.
Many traditional, large (especially governmental or transnational) organisations have, or risk falling into having, a stovepipe pattern.
The treaty provides the legal framework for seeking extradition of fugitive offenders, including those involved in terrorism, transnational crimes and economic offences among others.

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