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Übersetzungen für tribal im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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tribal [ˈtraıbl] ADJ

Beispielsätze für tribal

a tribal war

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These migrations have occurred primarily due to tribal conflicts and financial instability in the region.
They have adopted the tribal marking custom of cutting three horizontal lines on the cheeks of their children.
Additions to the list need to reference a recognized, documented source and specifically name tribal affiliation according to federal and state lists.
Because most tribes were not centralized political units at the time, involvement in the confederacy was usually on a village rather than a tribal basis.
In tribal festivals, dancing, singing, eating and drinking are the four main features.
Antique and modern shawls, traditional embroidery, tribal jewellery, carved wood and antique or reproduced coins are sold along the main street.
The ethnographic section displays the finest examples of local embroidery, carved wood and tribal jewelary.
This right may conflict with tribal law enforcement jurisdictions and legal procedures.
Many in the tribe were of different opinions, and the policy proved to be detrimental to tribal continuity and land use.
In addition, some tribal leaders immediately sold communal lands for quick gains.

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