Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für tricycle im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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tricycle [ˈtraısıkl] SUBST, trike

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This arrangement was considered too frail for the grass or dirt airfields of the era; however, the tricycle layout eventually gained acceptance.
Transportation has also improved as flotillas of tricycle taxis (tuk-tuks) and passenger vans (micros) provide services to any location in the area.
The vehicle is a battery-assisted tricycle steered by a handlebar beneath the driver's knees.
Alternatively, visitors may reach the place by tricycle or jeepney.
At the entrance to the room, the puppet from the video appears on a tricycle.
While motorcycles typically have two wheels, powered tricycles are three-wheeled motorcycles.
The tricycle undercarriage was not retractable, and its main units were carried on sponsons on the fuselage sides.
Visitors may rent bicycles, tandem bicycles, three-wheeled tricycles or electric-powered bicycles to tour the area's many backroads.
Around the same period small enterprises started selling coffee or soup from mobile tricycle stalls around city centres.
She even learned how to drive a tricycle and even willing to cut her hair short to make her role more realistic.

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