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Übersetzungen für trolleybus im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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trolleybus [ˈtrɒlıbʌs] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Currently, around 300 trolleybus systems are in operation, in cities and towns in 43 countries.
They were returning home together when he suddenly told her that he had to take care of something and got off the trolleybus.
To 1992 were put the wires for the two trolleybus lines which will be used only in the new part of the town.
The tunnel closed for trolleybuses in early 1988, but trolleybus service continued on other routes and is still in operation in 2013.
Several other trolleybus routes were subsequently established in the eastern suburbs.
Conversions to trolleybus began in 1933; remarkably, all five undertakings operated trolleybuses for several months in 1940, before the beginning of consolidations.
Since 2000, therefore, the trolleybus and diesel bus services have been fully separated, both organisationally and operationally.
There are 16 trolleybus routes, 37 bus routes.
There was also an articulated version with a length of 18 m, as well as a trolleybus version.
After 1912, the trolleybus was replaced by the more efficient tram, which was operational until 1953 when it was abolished.

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