Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für twigs im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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twig [twıg] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As explained in the introductory narration, the two would meet every evening to drink tea from the cub's samovar, which was heated on a fire of juniper twigs.
The nest is a flimsy platform of short twigs placed on a horizontal branch.
The young twigs are velvety or woolly with hairy coats; older branches are hairless.
I should already know that twigs would snap and the wind moan and that there would be half-seen movements in the darkness.
The snow-white feathers were wrapped around the twigs with white crepe paper, as though the feathers were the fallen branches' original leaves.
On the other hand, all green or brown caterpillars as well as those that resemble twigs were greedily devoured.
They grow on rotting twigs, stems, leaves, and cones that are submerged in water.
It is distinguished from other species in the region by the long hairs on its twigs, flowers and fruits.
It is prepared by hot smoking a marinated duck over tea leaves and twigs of the camphor plant.
There are two types of twig, vegetative twigs and fruiting spurs.

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