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Übersetzungen für underwrote im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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underwrote [ˌʌndəˈrəʊt] SUBST

underwrite <underwrote; underwritten> [ˈʌndəraıt] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The quarry operators underwrote the branch lines they used for transporting the basalt.
The fund provided for a new 7-bed pediatric intensive care unit, purchased a heart-lung machine, and underwrote a complete renovation of the congenital surgery operating suite.
The government acquired $8.6 billion of preference shares and underwrote $25.7 billion of ordinary shares.
This clearly implies that cricket had achieved both the patronage that underwrote it through the 18th century and the spectators who demonstrated its lasting popular appeal.
Some of the external financing underwrote these institutional changes, while much of the rest financed forestry management and research as well as equipment for logging, saw milling, and manufacturing.
The advisory council statement attested to the high quality of the scientific standards used, and underwrote the findings.
But just as much as it has amplified the practice of consumer capitalism, the shipping container also underwrote an aesthetics of capitalism as well.
Since there was no word on who footed the bills, one should assume that it was the poor tax payer who underwrote this profligacy.
Other pastors underwrote the rest of the construction, which was completed by 1973.
His theory of the mind underwrote a form of secular morality that he believed could ensure virtue, as well as public safety and order.

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