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Übersetzungen für unearthly im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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unearthly [ˌʌnˈɜːθlı] ADJ

1. unearthly:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many of them are made of an unearthly material with properties unlike normal matter.
It revealed an unearthly, web-like network of invisible infrastructure that powers our world -- and unsurprisingly, a lot of people wanted to try it for themselves.
His origin, as well as his unearthly skills, were never explained by the authors.
Eventually the cornerstones were moved overnight by these unearthly agencies to the present site of the church and work was re-commenced there successfully.
Unearthly it looked, as though it had fallen from the sky.
They find themselves in a desert with unearthly, twisted, treelike vegetation around them, with no sign of the house or the window they just jumped through.
This section notes that a cloaker is chaotic neutral in alignment, and describes a cloaker as a shadow-dwelling, unearthly creature.
These unreal ballets portrayed women as fragile unearthly beings, ethereal creatures who could be lifted effortlessly and almost seemed to float in the air.
He served the poor and the rich without distinction, often waking up at unearthly hours.
He was trained in piano and organ playing, but on encountering the musical glasses at age 16, his lifelong devotion to resurrecting this unearthly beauty was begun.

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