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Übersetzungen für unfamiliar im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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unfamiliar [ˌʌnfəˈmılıə] ADJ

1. unfamiliar:


2. unfamiliar:

be unfamiliar with Miller's works
▶ unfamiliarity [ˌʌnfəˈmılıˈærıtı] SUBST
▶ unfamiliarly ADV

Beispielsätze für unfamiliar

be unfamiliar with Miller's works

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are done mostly in the same style as the originals, and an unfamiliar ear might be led into believing they were the originals.
This is targeted at the enthusiast market, as well as those who may be unfamiliar with overclocking.
Yet it appears as early as 1903, though the definition is rather unfamiliar in older uses.
The charm soon wore off, however, as they had to face the reality of elephantiasis-bearing mosquitos, as well as other unfamiliar tropical diseases.
Willingness to go off with an unfamiliar adult with little or no hesitation.
The confusion came from the unfamiliar look of the blood after the serum had separated from the blood cells.
Some birds are quite gregarious and sociable while others can be shy, retreating to the back of the cage when an unfamiliar figure appears.
Moreover, the script, acting, and interpretations of the original characters came across as unfamiliar and very unlike their portrayals in the series.
Extending crowdsourcing to unfamiliar lenders and borrowers opens up new opportunities.
Vagrant shrews sometimes use echolocation to orient themselves in unfamiliar locations, although they are probably not able to use it to locate prey.

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