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Übersetzungen für valediction im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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valediction [ˌvælıˈdıkʃən] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This was followed by the valediction ceremony.
A study found that girls who constantly post selfies often struggle with low self-esteem and are looking for valediction by posting pictures of themselves.
First, he saw it as something of a valediction of the white nationalist's instinct to isolate himself from schools of thought he finds contrary to his own.
At the valediction, participation certificates were distributed to students.
Because this is much less an exhibition than a valediction.
For each style of salutation there is an accompanying style of complementary close, known as valediction.
It was pretty amazing listening to a valediction while remembering myself delivering an inspiring message that made my classmates, parents and teachers cry four years ago.
However, a wide range of popular valedictions are used in casual e-mail but very rarely in letters.
For those who self-identify as opponents of a particular group, appearing on such a list can be a valediction.
He passes in peace, and a priest, with the assistants, sends him on his way with a valediction.

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