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Übersetzungen für visitors im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Visitors who talked to him said that although he received many guests, he was always welcoming and cheerful to them.
Visitors may rent bicycles, tandem bicycles, three-wheeled tricycles or electric-powered bicycles to tour the area's many backroads.
Newspaper accounts stated that visitors purposely passed the tree in automobiles and many stopped to view the tree.
Each vessel has the ability to carry about 500 visitors per trip across the channel.
Anonymous visitors can insert any arbitrary name into the username field.
They envisaged a club where gentlemen who travelled abroad might meet and offer hospitality to distinguished foreign visitors.
A reception area adjoins the reading room, in which visitors can access information on current and past exhibitions.
The city was home to at least six deadly houses filled with trials for visitors.
The complex is now under private ownership, and is not reachable to visitors all the way down to the lowest crags.
Programming started on the hour, with visitors who did not get to the site on time faced with a test card and 1970s-style intermission music.

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