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Übersetzungen für walkers im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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casual walkers SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The building of a leisure center on the beach of the lake, of a youth hostel and a restaurant attracts walkers and cyclists.
The building survives, however, and is now a tearoom, popular with walkers, and an information centre.
There are also multi-day hikes in the northern section of the park which require walkers to have excellent navigational skills.
Off-road walkers typically walk about 1200 mi and take two or three months for the expedition.
And the appearance of the caped figuretowing two armless walkers, no lesswas as dramatic as could be.
The neighborhood is popular with walkers and joggers as the sidewalks are tree lined and bordered with large front yards.
This new public right of way has proven immensely popular with horse riders, cyclists, walkers, for cycle-commuting, also for roller-skating and roller-ski-ing.
The trail is designed for bicycles, longboards, walkers, wheelchairs, strollers and in-line skaters.
There is space for two wheelchairs on each bus, and the wheelchair area is also used for walkers and baby strollers.
Inexperienced walkers should make sure they are with someone with them who knows the area well.

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