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Übersetzungen für watering can im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They may be applied as a pressurized spray or simply poured from a watering can.
Aim the chemicals at the weeds with a spray bottle, rather than using a watering can.
Ground watering is recommended because crown watering can induce terminal rot at the very slow-growing new spike.
A single drop of water issuing from a watering can, for example, can be modeled mathematically, but we would not attribute knowledge of that mathematics to the average gardener.
They are likely to grow their own fruit and vegetables, often in pots or tubs, and use a watering can to keep everything healthy.
When you are ready, fill some plastic peat pots with soil and using the spray nozzle on a watering can, lightly water the tray.
Someone had a large watering can, and they poured water over me.
Top up your watering can at the nearby well and you're able to water the freshly-sowed seeds.
She sets the keycard down, and picks up a watering can.
Its head is in a makeshift nosebag made from a plastic watering can.

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