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Übersetzungen für weakling im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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weakling [ˈwiːklıŋ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He did not smoke, allowing that a gentleman might have an occasional cigar, but cigarettes were for effeminate weaklings and a black pipe ruined mind and body.
Although trained in martial arts, he is physically a weakling with little practical ability to use such skills.
He claims to be a proper survivalist when he turns out to be a weakling.
He tells him he has no need for a weakling like him and that he is no longer needed.
Physical intimidation is more effective, since the clergyman is both a coward and a weakling.
From being a weakling and a push-over, he trained to become a fierce warrior and a wise leader.
The weaklings are dropped and yet another round of cypher is done till the judges are satisfied.
Practicing believers were libelled as lechers, demoralized weaklings, drunks, vicious criminals and parasites who did no socially useful work, just as in the pre-war period.
The name dubla is also derived from the word durbala, which means a weakling.
The "zogo" (weakling) served as the ritual target of the others' jokes.

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