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Übersetzungen für web surfer im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Thus, they're in a pretty amazing position to analyze the real reading habits of their users and web surfers in general.
A range of scams target young web surfers, particularly credit and identification fraud.
We are web surfers, not babies, so why do some websites open new browser windows or tabs when you click on a link?
Wiki is a computer program that lets web surfers to collaborate, create update and edit any web page.
When web surfers click on this result, they are redirected to the competing website.
And the relationship between education and philosophy is piquing the interest of web surfers worldwide.
We constantly are hearing reports about how web surfers are getting increasingly savvy with their searches.
It also attempts to glean information about the web surfers it encounters.
A trio of privacy groups want federal regulators to take a close look at ad networks that track web surfers' and sell targeted ads.
In the days before search engines, web surfers were at the mercy of links to guide their travels through the network.

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