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Übersetzungen für well-heeled im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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well-heeled ADJ ugs


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For well-heeled players who can run the numbers and do not mind spending the money on defence, the calculus may favor non-compliance.
Despite these distinguished connections the family was not well-heeled.
Electric cars found popularity among well-heeled customers who used them as city cars, where their limited range proved to be even less of a disadvantage.
By 1580, even men wore them, and a person with authority or wealth was often referred to as well-heeled.
The well-heeled hero is a piece of nineteenth-century fuzz dedicated to fighting evil in its more occult manifestations.
By 1580, men also wore them, and a person with authority or wealth was often referred to as well-heeled.
He built large houses for the well-heeled, including some fine pairs of semi-detached houses, as well as some substantial mansions.
Resembling less a conventional loudspeaker than an elegant sideboard, it is a landmark product for the company that was sought after by the well-heeled and celebrities.
According to some historians, "castor" was used by well-heeled ladies of the household to make the underskirts of their indigenous maids.
The involvement of well-heeled upper crusters in the wind farm debate is widespread.

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