Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für What's im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

I . what [ʰwɒt] ADJ

1. what [表示疑问]:

2. what [表示感叹、惊讶等]:

II . what [ʰwɒt] PRON

III . what [ʰwɒt] INTERJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For starters, establish what your likely state pension entitlement would be.
You know what that means: the internet has transformed into a pukey, undead pile of spoilers.
Divorces were frowned upon, no matter what the provocation, and a man who was sued at law, particularly upon his promissory note, was almost disgraced in the public mind.
Hence, what then follows hereunder is fiction... of sorts... more specifically; a fiction.
This is a celebration of what really can happen for every school in the country and beyond - every hospital, every old people's home, every business.
Philosophers have often debated about what makes a fact, a fact.
What kept us going were the guys on the boat -- the trimmers, the sail designers -- who were watching the backstay load.
If one wanted to know what the conditions were like in a battery chicken farm, they are easy to discover.
You've got a wall that's trapezoid and so instead of straightening the wall up what they did was make the door and window trapezoid.
The method of brandishing the eye-glass was usually a forerunner of what sort of retort was coming.

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