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Übersetzungen für whichever im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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whichever [ʰwıtʃˈevə] PRON ADJ

Beispielsätze für whichever

Take whichever you like.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Whichever team ultimately wins the shootout is awarded a goal in the game score and thus awarded two points in the standings.
If two or more enemy pieces are threatened, then the other player can decide whichever piece to move.
Supreme power was now open to whichever general was strong enough to seize it (and keep it).
All characters have a standard attack option, in which the character's equipped item is used to attack whichever enemy the player has locked on to.
The game assumes that whichever restroom is entered is appropriate, so entering the men's room means that the player's character will be male.
A safe containing important documents will be placed in whichever town is the winner.
Reserves 20% or $500,000, whichever is less, for coordination of such programs.
Whichever term is used, it relates to the existence or non-existence of limits on parliament's power in its legislative role.
This prostration is not directed in any particular direction, but it is led by the caliph, but in whichever direction they find suitable.
But in 8th grade, the students get to choose whichever language they like best to take for the whole year.

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