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Übersetzungen für wig im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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wig [wıg] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His marriage ended, he lost between $22,000 and $58,000 in a wig business, and he received treatment for mental health problems and a bleeding ulcer.
Older men, military officers, and those in conservative professions such as lawyers, judges, physicians, and servants retained their wigs and powder.
The third component was the hair ornament, essentially a large wig fashioned from the hair of female relatives.
She puts on a red curly wig, curls her eyelashes, puts on a red shade of lipstick and powders her face.
She wore a long brown wig for the part.
The performers were trained; they wore costumes, masks, makeup, wigs.
The most recognisable clowns are those that commonly wear outlandish costumes featuring distinctive makeup, colourful wigs, exaggerated footwear, and colourful clothing.
I got chosen to wear the grey suit and the wig, and not the pretty dresses.
He also mocked the character's apparent flirtations, suggesting that he wore a chest hair wig.
And pitchd his big wig to the divil.

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