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Übersetzungen für windscreen im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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windscreen [ˈwındskriːn] SUBST, windshield Am

windscreen wiper SUBST

Beispielsätze für windscreen

The windscreen misted over [or up].

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A credit-card sized key is attached to the windscreen of authenticated emergency vehicles and buses, which is automatically scanned.
The new windscreen has been revised to improve vision by reducing the width of the centre post.
A wind deflector in place of the windscreen makes a helmet more or less mandatory.
Later they were modified for driver only operation receiving a larger windscreen.
The windscreen could fold flat to reduce air resistance.
The doors, rear hinged, were heavily cut away at the top and the windscreen could be folded flat.
It was also one of the first cars in its class to have such features as automatic headlamps and windscreen wipers on its options list.
The fastest mean speed of 132.5 mph was reached with a racing windscreen in place, the best run being made at 133.2 mph.
The car continued in the race, minus the front and rear windscreens, and after some hasty panel work.
This example from 1936 has pnematic tyres and a windscreen but still very primitive weather protection for the driver.

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