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Übersetzungen für wineglass im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Meintest du vielleicht: windlass , cut glass , glass und spyglass

windlass [ˈwındləs] SUBST

spyglass [ˈspaıglɑːs] SUBST

glass [glɑːs] SUBST

1. glass:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The gigs generally had a high wineglass transom, full skeg, full keel, straight stem and somewhat rounded sides.
The 29-year-old is doing the usual: rolling up the silverware, setting down the wineglasses, dimming the lights way down low.
The wineglass water tower was constructed in 1984.
Amber gets up and starts washing the three dirty wineglasses.
What is the proper way to hold a wineglass, and does the technique vary depending on the type of wine and glass?
Before storing, wash wineglasses and wipe away water spots.
The design was traditional, with a wineglass stern, full keel, and bowsprit.
I nodded, eyeing a set of wineglasses that looked fragile.
Talking animatedly, she downs a couple of glasses of wine from a decanter on the sideboard and tosses the wineglass on the floor.
I loved how the waiter would tip your white wine into a freshly iced wineglass when the previous one became warm.

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