Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für wooly im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

I . woolly, wooly Am [ˈwʊlı] ADJ

II . woolly, wooly Am [ˈwʊlı] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The stems and petioles of the leaves have short wooly hairs, making them appear gray.
The elongated leaves are midgreen, wooly, veined, and covered with white hairs on the underside.
Llamas have both a thick undercoat and a wooly topcoat which protects them from the cold.
Long wavy guard hairs are present on the outer coat throughout the year, with the coat becoming woolier in winter.
During its construction many fossils were found including those of a wooly mammoth.
Reintroducing an extinct keystone species, such as the wooly mammoth, could help re-balance the ecosystems that once depended on them.
Humans did coexist with wooly mammoths and saber-toothed catsmammals which are often depicted with humans and dinosaurs.
The giant panda's thick, wooly coat keeps it warm in the cool forests of its habitat.
Zi-ming's appreciation towards her, this wooly insect finally turn into a butterfly?
Muffled (wooly) faces have long been associated with lower fertility rates.

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