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Übersetzungen für work clothes im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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work clothes SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The yodeler was a local man who came in work clothes and sang four or five songs quickly.
In each the subjects wear their work clothes, sometimes with one or two props of their trade.
Furthermore, shorts and football shirts, work clothes and uniforms for medics etc. are produced to meet the demand of additional orders.
Sears eventually expanded the line to include corduroy jeans, denim jackets, and men's work clothes.
The servants are shown in their natural appearance, in their usual work clothes, capturing their individual characters.
The original design was short sleeved, long in the back, and would be worn on top of work clothes for warmth and shower proofing.
Drab work clothes (jeans, work shirts, pea coats) were a rejection of materialism.
Her work clothes are much more like a uniform: simpler, more consistent and often bright... to make sure the home crowds can spot her.
He led the company in its growth from a regional manufacturer and wholesaler of work clothes to one of the worlds leading apparel companies.
Covers displayed women in plain work clothes, yet the magazines often contained advertisements for private companies selling stylish attire.

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