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Übersetzungen für workshy im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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workshy [ˈwɜːkʃɑı] ADJ verächtl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And does the farmer receive the gratitude of the workshy?
It humanised the very poor and made it harder for viewers to caricature them as merely workshy or feckless.
I see the pro lobby have once again taken to painting the protesters as a bunch of lazy workshy layabouts.
People might think you're a workshy freeloader but don't let the squares grind you down.
Men of today are not workshy in the domestic sphere -- they just prefer a proper task to something piddling like loading the dishwasher.
Many of them are not workshy -- they are being entirely rational, if short-sighted.
I hope she tears a strip off her silly husband for being such an eejit and allowing himself to be laughed at and accused of being workshy.
Prospective reformers' biggest headache is that this addiction to the welfare state extends well beyond the workshy and benefits scroungers of tabloid lore.
It meant workshy and feckless.
In fairness, there are some very hard workers at the council, but they are so massively outweighed by the workshy that they're fighting a losing battle.

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