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Übersetzungen für wringer im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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wringer [ˈrıŋə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We went through the wringer together, and that shared experience really made us genuine buddies.
From hot dates to study tips, these folks have been through the wringer and are almost out the other side.
She prints her own work, with many early graphic works being pulled by hand using a wooden wringer.
Several scenes here will put role-players through the wringer, and they'll love it.
Meanwhile, the cat plans to create more mischief by attaching one end of a long rope to an automatic wringer and goes inside the house carrying the other end.
I'm not saying the show shouldn't continue to put them through that emotional wringer.
When the net is full, a retrieval clamp, which works like a wringer on a mop, closes the net around the fish.
She shook white powder out of his clothes before she put them through the old-fashioned wringer washer.
Each laundry item would be fed through the wringer separately.
I was actively seeking out developers who would put me through the wringer.

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