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Übersetzungen für xylophone im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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xylophone [ˈzaıləfəʊn] SUBST MUS


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This type of orchestra consists of several types of xylophones, drums, oboes, gongs, and other musical instruments.
Such instruments as piano, drums, cymbals, xylophone, marimba, orchestra bells, chimes, castanets, woodblock, and even tuned sleigh bells could be played from the organ keyboards.
Another use of parachute cord is in the stringing of mallet percussion instruments, such the xylophone, marimba, or vibraphone.
For instance the xylophone part was cut out.
While guitar was his principal instrument, he also played violin (drawing on his classical training), bass guitar, piano and xylophone.
The orchestra consists of approximately nine or ten instruments, mainly wind and percussion (including several varieties of xylophone and drums).
Plum is noted for using unusual sounds in his songs, such as dripping water, a goat, toy pianos, baby rattles, and plastic xylophones.
The organ's instruments include pipes, drums, bells, cymbals, castanets and a xylophone, and are played by a piano-roll score.
Other instruments include xylophones, bamboo flutes, bowed instrument called "rebab", and even vocalists called "sindhen".
The percussion instruments included tablas, bongos, cymbals, piano, xylophones and marimbas; also featured were guitars, flute, and world music instruments.

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